Has Everyone in Govt Taken Stupid Pills!

It is Cinco de Mayo (sp!?) today here in California and I am bracing for another round of rhetoric about our country's border and illegal immigration problems. It is really so sad. Our state and federal government seem to be paralyzed and incapable of doing ANYTHING. And I have long since concluded that no matter what we do, the hispanic community (at least the part that is screaming right now about eliminating border security and the illegality of illegal border crossings) isn't going to like it too much. And I find that I am getting angry about the whole stupid mess. Angry because it isn't that complicated - even now after ignoring the problem for 20+ years (just like Social Security - hmm...). Some of what needs to be done may be difficult, but it's not that complicated.
Now, don't get me wrong - I am NOT anti-immigration. In my studied opinion, immigrants (legal or otherwise) are NOT stealing US jobs or ruining our country or culture (though it is disheartening to see some who seem to hate our culture - talk about biting the hand that feeds you!). The fact is, our country is populated by one-time immigrants. And our country is blessed tremendously and I do not resent anyone wanting to come here to have a better life. I am not a heartless jerk! I DO care about the poor who come here because they can't survive in their own dysfunctional, screwed up countries. My family makes a monthly effort to support the poor in other nations. People matter to me! My whole career has been helping people and serving them. So please don't write me off as some heartless armchair critic who isn't looking at the personal dimension of this issue. That simply isn't true.
But that doesn't mean I am OK with lawlessness. We have immigration and border control laws. For cryin' out loud why are they not enforced all the way! Impractical some say - then fix them so they get the job done. Build some stinking walls for crying out loud - it worked pretty good in Europe for a few decades! Have the National Guard or US military patrol that wall. By all means, treat violaters humanely - put the emergency water stations out in the deserts - I don't want anyone to die! But ignoring the problem while tens of millions of people violate the law seems to be the equivalent of taking stupid pills.
If our country comes to the conclusion that the immigration laws are too big a hurdle for most poor people to deal with (and they are), then change the laws, policies and fees. I'm OK with that - as long as it is orderly and legal. And if the Mexican government continues to be uncooperative with our efforts to enforce our border laws - then deal with them! Why be so gentle with a country that is SO uncooperative? Find some way to twist their arm and twist the snot out of it until they respect our laws and cooperate. Notice I did NOT say go to war, I don't think that will be necessary. As one of the greatest economic powers in the world right now, we can certainly find some other way to help them see it would be in their best interests to cooperate.
It is also downright stupidity not to keep in mind the huge economic drain the millions of illegal immigrants have on our social systems. This REALITY has to figure into any long-term solution. Legal immigrants are more likely to have better jobs, buy homes and thus support public schools with their property taxes etc., and have some form of health care. Notice I said MORE likely! Illegal immigrants often end up working for minimum wages with no benefits and own no property. The unbiased, nonracist conclusion then, is that because we are a country of compassion and care for the poor, they end up heavily utilising our social systems. Their children are put in school where they receive a free education (though they pay few or no taxes to help offset the cost), they end up getting assistance for food and housing and health care. Do I want to take those things away? Heaven's NO! What kind of barbarian would I be to want people to starve to death, live in cardboard boxes and die of easily preventable health problems. That's the Mexican government's shtick - not mine. However, only a moron would conclude that we can KEEP doing that for tens of millions of immigrants. Even our wealthy country can't sustain that for much longer. Now, we could cut back on foreign aid and use those funds here at home (sort of a domestic foreign aid program!)... And socking it to the rich to pay for programs to the poor always seems tempting but it is incredibly short-sighted. The wealthy ought to pay their fair share of taxes. But it is an unfortunate fact that the poor do not employ people - those who already have means are the ones that initiate that and their resources make that happen. And people need jobs if they are going to thrive. Cutting off one of their (those w/ means to employ others) hands only makes them crippled it doesn't make everyone else better off. Only typical American short-sightedness could see that as a good thing. Geesh!
But do we hear ANY of this stuff from our government or the media? NO! Instead we hear how immigrants DO pay taxes and support our economy? Sorry - prove it! And when you tabulate your facts, don't forget to calculate the huge costs to our schools, hospitals and welfare system before you get an end figure as to how much they help our economy. If you are going to make an economical argument - use real numbers and a little bit of economics! OR worse, we hear how mean spirited we are because we actually ask such questions. I believe that's called a "Straw Man" logical fallacy - create a caricature and then kick the stuffing out of him instead of actually answering the question. It is a CHEAP SHOT and I am SO TIRED of watching people get away with it I could scream! Our wealthy country IS capable and generous enough to provide a better life for many more. But if we are not careful, that can change and EVERYONE (300+ million) will be hurt and then no one further will be helped.
And please, no more talk about reconquering California and the Southwest for Mexico! First of all, it just inflammes a portion of our population that DO own lots of guns (that can't be a good thing!). Secondly, the United States won the war with Mexico (and yes, I am aware that the U.S. may have provoked Mexico in Texas) and under the standard practices of nations for millenia, reserved the right to occupy the border area between the former agressor and the homeland. This was NOT a new practice. BUT THEN, because we aren't heartless jerks as a nation - we PAID the Mexican government for the land we already had a right to occupy after winning the war and then, did so again (the Gadsen purchase) to make the border easier to define. Bottom line- the U.S. PAID for the Southwest. So if you are going to try to reconquer it - you are planning on stealing it or making war. Neither of which can be allowed. Now if you are speaking metaphorically - that's better - but please stop! Your words are too easy to take literally and you are stirring up a hornets nest. How can that help your cause??
The problem is succinctly summed up:
1. We have laws that are being violated and our border security is a mess.
It needs to be fixed! Build some walls and use some troops to patrol the border for a while. This really is a no-brainer. We MUST stop the gangs, drug rings and terrorists from streaming across our borders so they can victimize the people that live in the U.S. (both legal citizens and illegal immigrants)
2. We have a neighboring country that encourages illegal border crossings and hampers our efforts.
It needs to be fixed! Find a way to make them see fit to cooperate (short of war).
3. We have immigration laws, policies and fees that are too big of a hurdle for the poor.
That needs to be fixed! Allow more people to immigrate, reduce paperwork and fees.
4. We have 11+million illegal immigrants.
Their status needs to be made right - either by asking them to go through the new immigration policies and take an oath to love and protect their new country and be good voting citizens (#3 above) or having them go back to their country of origin.
5. We have businesses and industry that want things to stay as they are.
They should be punished or have to pay hefty fees to help reimburse our social welfare system. If that means higher prices for lettuce - so be it. But I for one, know of several teenagers who would love to have summer jobs even if it means being out in the fields. We don't have to eliminate agricultural laborers by tightening immigration laws (not if we do #3 above).
6. We have a social welfare system that is massively burdened with so many new people needing help each year.
Reducing illegal immigration will certainly help that. But we also need to find better ways to fund social services. I suggest cutting back on some foreign aid, taking most pork barrell spending money and redeploying it to social services. But for heaven's sake don't cut the military budget or hike taxes. Such solutions are VERY problematic and only provide a short term solution. And in a post 911 world, cutting our military budget will be disastrous for at least a decade or two.
That's the way I see it.
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