A Matter of Principle - Oh Yeah...

You have to chuckle about this one. Remember after the mid-term elections when the smug Ms. Pelosi carped about how the Democrats would put an end to the "culture of corruption?" Right.... As others have pointed out, for wanting to end corruption, Democrats have been strangely quiet when one of their own is caught red-handed! There's that congressman with all that "cold" cash in his freezer, and - oh the instances are too numerous to mention. As a result, I have not taken the vapid Ms. Pelosi's empty diatribe seriously.
But this time it seems a little different. The Gov. of Illinois was caught red handed a little more conclusively than the usual. The dude is as crooked as a willow switch. The whole nation is laughing at him if they aren't calling for his immediate impeachment. Illinois Democrats have, naturally, feigned shock at the Governor's massively crooked actions and seem to be tepidly interested in ending the culture of corruption starting with Blagojevich. Gov. Blagojevich made things even dicier by going ahead and appointing Roland Burris to the Senate seat - the very one he tried to sell to the highest bidder. Congressional Democrats were outraged and are threatening to ignore the appointment. They don't really have much of a legal stand to do that, but, and I never thought I would ever be saying this, they seem to be standing on principle - not wanting a criminal to prosper from their blatant misbehavior (Blagojevich not Burris - hopefully he wasn't one of the bidders!).
I applaud congressional Democrat's stand. IF they are really serious about rooting out corruption they have to not only do things right, but they have to make sure those who are corrupt cannot prosper from their misdeeds. If they want us to take them seriously, ever, they need to push hard for Blagojevich's IMMEDIATE impeachment and disallow ANYONE that crooked popinjay appoints. If they do anything less, well, then I was right all along about their genuineness about fighting corruption.
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