Politics - geesh!

Well, its only a few days before election day - the airwaves and phone lines are crammed with political ads - all of which paint things exactly the opposite as the "other guy's" ads and claims. It's almost enough to make a guy buy the "there is no such thing as absolute truth" claims of the postmodernist.
Don't you get tired of having to wade through so much offal and refuse to get at the real position behind the hype? I sure do. I have been a life-long republican - and ONLY for the reason that I find their stated platform values to be closest to my own values and beliefs. But I find myself almost willing to vote for a democrat if he or she just told the honest truth - no spin - no half-truths to pick out of it - just the plain ole' truth. I say "almost" because there ARE some who tell you what they really believe but they are often on the extreme edges of the spectrum and they can be, well, kind of scary! Though I find that kind of honesty refreshing - I am not sure I am crazy enough to want to put one of those crazies into office just to spite the incumbent. Yikes!
Having been schooled in political science and history in college, it is also hard to maintain the personal perspective in politics. The big ideas can make it easy to forget how those ideas impact "real people." And yet, if that is your only perspective - how it impacts individuals - you can become paralyzed in the face of having to make a choice between 2 or 3 less than "warm and fuzzy" options for policy. Sometimes the good of the many isn't good for a few. We all want to find a Win-Win solution to every problem but history teaches us that this isn't always (even often?) possible. The world of International Politics, in particular, can be a cold blooded place and as a follower of Christ, that can make me uncomfortable. And yet, sometimes you DO have to punch a bully hard in the nose to protect the rest of the playground. It can get confusing can't it?
I DO know one thing - my sense of outrage and donwright anger over the insanity and stupidity in state and federal governments seems to grow larger every election cycle. I've said it before - "Has everyone in govt. taken stupid pills?" Well I haven't and it is sickening to see officials and candidates taking them by the dozen and foolishly thinking we don't notice or care.
Would you call this a rant? Sorry :o)
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