Christmas & Family - like Peanut Butter & Jelly!

It MUST be the Christmas season! It seems that the season always brings powerful feelings of nostalgia and a tremendous wave of emotions. Most of it is just plain love - love for Jesus being willing to be born in such humble means so that He could redeem me on the cross. I'm not sure most days that I would be willing to do that for me - know what I mean?
Then there is a gi-normous wave of love for my dear wife. How can a guy be so fortunate! She is God's best gift to me after salvation.
Then there is the love of family & close friends that brings with it a wave of amnesia so you can't remember all the awnry things they have done over the years - you just feel warm fuzzies and want to hug 'em. It's irrational - I know!
Add to that this year's new pleasure of being able to partly reconnect with all my extended family back in the Midwest and I feel my heart is growing 2 sizes larger. It overwhelms me. Even the realization that we are still one child short again this year doesn't dim the glow if my soul (it flickers a bit though to be honest).
I am truly blessed despite not having much more than two nickels to rub together. As you anticipate the season and the gift giving you worry how you are going to pull it off - or IF you can pull it off. But once the season descends, the real Christmas spirit comes with it and those fears fade quietly into the background. Good Christmas music helps too :o)
So have yourself a merry little Christmas friend. Take time to connect with PEOPLE, especially family if you can, and don't forget to thank the Savior who IS the real reason for the season.
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