I Love My Wife!

I know I don't say it enough but I gotta tell you, I really love my wife. I would be SO lost without her in my life. And not just because she does my laundry and helps me find stuff I misplace (often right in front of me), but because I would be so lonely I don't think I could stand it. Here's why.
After a few years of dating, when I was finishing college, I chose to stop dating and just concentrate on the business of growing spiritually and being of service to others. It's not that I didn't notice women, I just stopped trying to pursue them as my sole reason for living - like most guys do at that age I think. Anyway, after doing that a couple of years and enjoying life very much, I began to feel lonely. God met all my needs, so I wasn't pining away, and I had friends too. But, somehow I just felt something was missing and I felt alone in this world. And I knew I didn't like that.
SO, I prayed and kept doing all the things I normally did and waited. And in God's perfect timing, he brought my wife into my life. We fell in love very quickly and within three months I proposed. And I have been thrilled with her companionship every day since. Sometimes a guy longs to have a buddy to smoke cigars with and grump about politics or CA drivers, but those friendships are just a few drops of ale in the tankard. A godly wife, however, is an never emptied cup of joy... a constant companion and loving partner for life. Oh my goodness, it doesn't get any better!
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