Welcome to Bizarro world

O.K., so I'm pretty disappointed (extreme understatement alert) with the situation in D.C. this morning. Despite their pledges to the contrary (how can you tell when a Democrat is lying - their mouth is moving), get ready for "vindictiveness 101" in the congress. Make no mistake about it - nothing serious will get done. The party in power as of this morning will mire the congress in ENDLESS "investigations" and inquiries into stuff that happened 5+ years ago. And for what purpose? To stick it to the party that used to be in power and dared to do things they didn't like. They won't solve the Social Security dilemna, they won't touch the illegal immigration problem (other than to grant amnesty so that they can paper the problem away), they won't deal with our nations over-dependency on foreign oil, they won't improve the ethics on the Hill, nor will they improve the tone of politics in D.C.
How do I know that? Because if they do ANY of those things, they will anger some chunk of their whacko liberal base (full of fanatical tree-huggers, silver spoon/limousine socialists, big union thugs, and inner city minority groups dependent upon the money and programs they are constantly promised). This might threaten their ability to remain in power. And they will do ANYTHING to stay in power. They will say anything, pretend to be moderate or conservative - all of it justified by the holy grail of staying in control of the purse strings of our society. So, they will talk, they will form endless committees and they will float a few completely absurd ideas so that it looks like they are doing their job - but Democrats were in power for over 4 decades prior to the 12 years of the Republicans - and they refused to deal with those issues when it was on their watch. So why should we expect them to change now? Drunk with power, they will first turn on their opponents and eviscerate them and then will caper and cavort around enjoying themselves - all while we are forced to watch and live with their decisions. Oh yeah! I am looking forward to the next 2-4 years (sarcasmo alert).
By the way, the Republicans earned this defeat by NOT standing up for what they believe. They foolishly tried to "look nice at all costs" and spent money like a drunken sailor - trying to look enough like Democrats that the electorate might ignore the shrill shriekings of the Democrats. It didn't work! The Democrats have absolutely despised Bush since his first day in office. He wasted his time trying to curry their favor - they only grabbed what he offered and shrieked louder. They were NEVER satisfied or grateful, but he kept doing it! Pure foolishness. They squandered SO many opportunities to provide strong leadership or at least counter the obvious lies and distortions of the Dems. They should have acted like the party in power (which is what the Demos have always done) and enacted legislation that was based on their party's principals and platform - which WOULD have been good for the country. But they loved being in power too and shrank back from being true to their platform. Well, look where it has led. Now, we get at least 2 years of Pelosi's Bizarro World. Uggh and double Uggh.
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