Day 1 of the New Workers Paradise

Well, day one of paradise begins with a bang - Wall Street drops over 300 points and dips below 8,000 for the first time since the 80s. It would seem that businesses are not feeling good about the new Paradise. Of course, they will blame it all on "that darn George Bush" like they blame everything they don't like (from global warming, French arrogance, and the short shelf-life of quality ice cream). We are SO set up to follow in the grossly mistaken footsteps of the New Deal, pre-WW2 dufai (plural of dufus). They blamed everything on Hoover, continued to deficit spend year after year to "prime" the economy (despite the obvious evidence that it wasn't working) and to pour massive amounts of govt. money into every conceivable social program that warms a liberal's heart. The result, massive inflation, double digit unemployment for 12 years and hardship for 99% of the country. Only WW2 was large enough to shake us out of that death spiral.
I see the same things and the same words being used all over again. God help us - my family is NOT ready for another Great Depression - we would be wiped out.
Oh, but such gloomy Gus thoughts on this, the first glorious day of hope in the new paradise. Never mind!
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