Lack of Moral base has ruined our Republic

Many of the founding fathers said it - without God and the Bible it will be impossible to govern this nation (paraphrasing Washington, Franklin, Jefferson, Adams, Madison etc). Despite the multiculturalists rantings, the Judeo-Christian worldview is the best "nest" for democracy because it's moral code requires the kind of honesty and integrity required to avoid abuses of power and tyranny. Certainly not all Christians live out these moral requirements perfectly, but it drives them and if others around them practice their faith properly, there is added accountability as well. Few other religions offer democracy such "help." As our nation throws away it's Judeo-Christian roots we are cutting our own throats politically, which explains why politics has become SO dirty, so dishonest and untrustworthy, so pointless if you aren't one of the political elite.
Straining against this moral compass is the almost irresistable temptions of Party Politics and Money bought influence. And the founding fathers warned us about these deadly things as well, calling on the nation to avoid the entanglements and compromising loyatlies political parties create and urging the nation to cling to the Rule of Law and of sound moral principles instead of just granting the requests of those who have lots of cash.
I think anyone from those first generations of Americans (immigrant or not) would be revolted by this nation today. I think they would reject almost everything we have come to see as "the way it is." After all, they rebelled against the mightiest nation in the world at the time to pursue these "silly" little principles like liberty, the rule of law, limited government, and individual freedom and responsibility. They would puke when they observe this nation trying to become a nanny welfare state that robs from the rich to give to the poor, empovershing them both. The more I read their writings, the more ashamed I am of what this nation is becoming - has become over the last 100 years. We have thrown away the Republic that was entrusted to us for a cheap fix that make us feel warm and fuzzy but only hastens our own demise.
Unless a new generation of Americans raises up and embraces the concepts laid down by the founding fathers, our nation is a goner. I don't think it can be turned back now - those gluttons who feed from the trough of government will not willingly walk away. They must be replaced by a new generation that understands the truth about the nature of government and our Republic. I wonder how long we will have to wait for that generation to come?
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