They are Right to Worry about a "Bubba Summer."

It's good to see that Americans are not the only ones fed up with an unresponsive and corrupt government. Iranians, who have long been simmering in resentment over the oppressive ayatollah's ruling their once proud and glorious culture, appear to have finally reached the boiling point. Many of us in the U.S. can relate to that kind of frustration I think. In fact, as the nation wide Tea Parties demonstrate, there are an awful lot of people out there who are sick and tired of watching their government NOT be of the people and for the people, of watching politicians do whatever they please despite the clear indication of what the majority of their constituents want. Their frustration over their apparent inability to rectify these grievances at the ballot box has reached possibly the highest point since the Civil Rights riots in the 60's. In short, people are darn mad and they aren't going to take much more. As ole Doc Holiday said in a Hollywood movie a few years back, one day soon there is going to be "A Reckoning."
A month or so back I saw a piece in the news about the fear of a "Bubba Summer." I guess that somewhat derogatory term is supposed to describe what can happen in the heat of summer when a bunch of good ole boys realize the government has become the problem and decide to make the government their enemy and DO something about it. They bantered the idea around a bit and chuckled about it.
But in all likelihood, we won't see a Bubba Summer this year. For one, Americans are just too busy amusing themselves to death. But who the rate that "change" is happening in government these days, that could change rather quickly - especially given the arrogant nature of politicans lately. They just aren't getting it. And though everyone on the left speaks with horror and threatens to call Homeland Security at the mere whisper of disgust with the government - our own Declaration of Independence speaks about what to do in such a situation. I didn't make those words up - look them up yourself.
A fellow blogger wrote... "If change is what people want and they cannot get it through the ballot box and are wholly ignored by those who pretend to lead them - then the images we are seeing (in Iran) are truly the result." So I guess you could say that the ayatollahs have got themselves into a Bubba Summer in Iran.
Then he goes on to quote from 2 well loved Americans.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable."
- John F. Kennedy
"And what country can preserve its liberties, if it's rulers are not warned from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance?...The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants." - Thomas Jefferson
Food for thought and contemplation (and discussion). I would LOVE to see an honest and vigorous debate about dealing with government tyranny per the Declaration and Constitution and our own national history without the participants being labeled as kooks or led off in chains.
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