Happy Birthday to the Republic!

Celebrate Independence Day!
Freedom's natal day is here.
Fire the guns and shout for freedom,
See the flag above unfurled!
Hail the stars and stripes forever,
Dearest flag in all the world. ~Florence A. Jones
This, then, is the state of the union: free and restless, growing and full of hope. So it was in the beginning. So it shall always be, while God is willing, and we are strong enough to keep the faith. ~Lyndon B. Johnson
For what avail the plough or sail, or land or life, if freedom fail? ~Ralph Waldo Emerson
America is much more than a geographical fact. It is a political and moral fact - the first community in which men set out in principle to institutionalize freedom, responsible government, & human equality. ~Adlai Stevenson
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