The plague has struck

Uggh, the plage has struck our home on swift and nautious wings. As my poor in-laws were driving in the driveway practically, my oldest comes out to tell us the youngest has just thrown up. GREAATTT! Within an hour both my wife and I are feeling pretty nauseated and are running a fever w/ lots of aches and pains to boot. This morning (after 2 more vomiting sessions from the youngest in his bed in the middle of the night)my oldest crawls into the living room where I am trying to finish my night's sleep to tell me that he hurts all over. Within the hour, he rushes into the bathroom to spend a good 15 minutes hurling. The kids all seem to be bouncing back pretty fast - so we have high hopes this is a 24 hour bug but my wife and I still have a little fever, some aches and upset stomachs. Here's to hoping and praying it really is just a 24 hour stomach flu! Uggh and double yuch.
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