That's the way I see it

My take on some of the issues of life and my experiences - the way I see it. Warning! While always wanting to be polite - I am not concerned about being PC.

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Location: Woodland, CA, United States

I am a bit of a rennaissance man with interests varying from the ancient to the futuristic. I prefer to live in the world of ideas and ideals and love to sit around w/ friends and a mug of strong coffee and discuss things that I find interesting.

Friday, March 16, 2007

I told you so!

Back in November, days after the election I "pundited":
"Despite their pledges to the contrary get ready for "vindictiveness 101" in the congress. Make no mistake about it - nothing serious will get done. The democrats will mire the congress in ENDLESS "investigations" and inquiries into stuff that happened 5+ years ago. And for what purpose? To stick it to the party that used to be in power and dared to do things they didn't like. They won't solve the Social Security dilemna, they won't touch the illegal immigration problem (other than to grant amnesty so that they can paper the problem away), they won't deal with our nations over-dependency on foreign oil, they won't improve the ethics on the Hill, nor will they improve the tone of politics in D.C.
How do I know that? Because if they do ANY of those things, they will anger some chunk of their whacko liberal base (full of fanatical tree-huggers, silver spoon/limousine liberals, big union thugs, and inner city minority groups dependent upon the money and programs they are constantly promised)... Democrats, drunk with power (and mistakenly thinking the American public gave them a mandate to pursue their lunacy - NOT!), they will first turn on their opponents and eviscerate them and then will caper and cavort around enjoying themselves - all while we are forced to watch and live with their decisions. Oh yeah! I am looking forward to the next 2-4 years"
WELL, what do we see now? An endless stream of congressional investigations lining up in the wings to come out to take their place in the spotlight of infamy and lunacy. All the while, the real - critical - business of United States is left undone or worse. Little things requiring their COMPLETE attention like, oh, say, The War on Terror, an educational system sliding into the toilet, massive immigration problems that threaten to destabilize our entire economy and national character, a failing social security system, astronomically spiraling health care, a screaming need for legal reform....just to name a few minor issues.
I DO have to say that watching this insanity helps me understand why the French ran around and cut off 17,000 heads in the French Revolution. You can only watch so much "out of touch" excess, insanity, foolish primping, preening and hypocritical posturing before you realize that while they play their sick game - they are sticking it to you and everybody else and laughing all the way to the bank. You can't watch that w/out getting REAL angry - the kind of angry that keeps soaking in deep until...everyone explodes and you grab a pitchfork and storm La Bastille.
Friends, the vindictive, hypocritical and assanine investigations have ONLY just begun. The most RECENT flap about firing 8 U.S. attorneys when Bush took office. The Democrats feigning of extreme moral indignation is the biggest joke I have seen in a long time. They act like that never happens and should never happen. When their boy Bill Clinton took office he fired something like over 80 U.S. attorneys. As political appointments go, you often lose your job when the new administration comes to power - its a practice going back all the way to Jackson I think. And while I might agree with some who argue that it is a terrible practice - EVERYBODY HAS DONE IT SINCE THEN - DEMOCRATS JUST AS MUCH AS ANYONE ELSE. To sit there and get their knickers in a righteous knot and think we can't see through the bad acting and hypocrtical lying is highly insulting to the public's intelligence. I guess they really do just assume we are all half-wits who can't remember anything past a 20 second political slogan ad. But I do. Why aren't Republicans screaming bloody murder about the hypocrasy?
God help us, because I think He is the only one that can. You sure can't seem to count on the Republicans to represent the rest of us by holding loud and firm for common sense. Where are the devastatingly brilliant Republicans with strong convictions and a heart and head full of facts about how our government is SUPPOSED TO WORK. Man I miss Reagan!


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