Inequitable treatement of religion is SO wrong! Something really should be done about it!

This is something that has really "chapped my hide" for several years now. Thank goodness others in the media are finally talking about it and seem determined to do something about it. Unfortunately, there are only a few and the rest are quite happy with the inequitable way religions are treated - they helped create it! What am I talking about? I am talking about how every other religion in the world - no matter how crazy, vile or violent - gets favored hands-off status. Except Christianity. Bash Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and you are a labeled a bigot nut-job. But revile and blaspheme Christianity and - hey who cares?
Everyone is SO concerned about offending Muslims these days. But noone has EVER cared about offending Christians. They blaspheme Jesus, the cross, pastors, churches, the Bible, church-goers - whatever strikes their reprobate fancy and - hey, it's O.K. What? You object - TOUGH! But let someone do ANYTHING that muslims (or others) find offensive and LOOKOUT! You are guilty of hate-mongering and noone is outraged when muslisms around the world riot, burn and murder Christians in retaliation. "Well, you provoked them," is what you basically hear. WHAT!! That is SO insane AND so inequitable AND so un-American in sentiment - a land that was founded on equality and tolerance for ALL religious expression save those practices that infringed on the rights of others.
I remember, not long ago, when Christians were so serious and active about ending abortion that a few nutjobs torched a few abortion clinics and actually shot an abortionist. Now, this was MUCH smaller in scale than the riots and murders of 2006 by muslims (that doesn't make it right of course!). But our government and the news media turned on Christianity and made all sorts of threats and arrests. Christian anti-abortion organizations were shadowed by the FBI, crippled with RICO actions (created to stop the Mafia) and judges felt no qualms about violating the constitutional rights of Christians in order to protect abortion. It was quite a witch hunt - fury and indignation abounded. Christians, almost to a man, completely condemned and disavowed such kinds of illegal activities IMMEDIATELY - LOUDLY - AND REPEATEDLY. It didn't stop the witch hunt.
But what happened when a Danish cartoon outraged muslism and they rioted, torched, beat and murdered? NOTHING! Not one thing. No arrests, no indignation - nada - just a whimper and a looking the other way. HOW CRAZY IS THAT!
If you want to see a good summary of Muslim misdeeds in 2006 -
check this article out:
And where is the loud, immediate and repeated condemnation of such heinous acts by "so called" peace loving muslims? Seems like it is always buried on the back page if you even see it at all.
Every once in a while someone asks me why Christianity is so reviled while other, far more objectionable religions, are given protected status? I have to say that there isn't any rational reason - but the Bible does shed light on it. The bible says that the Light and Truth came into the world, but the world loved darkness instead. Christianity and Judaism - which both reflect the Light and Truth of our Creator, are almost universally reviled but mankind loves the other false religions of the world precisely because they love darkness rather than light. Ever wonder why Hinduism - which is SO (supposedly) tolerant of other religions, becomes violent and intolerant towards Christian missionaries? Because those in darkness (who don't know they are in darkness) instinctively love darkness and reject the Light of the Gospel of Salvation in Jesus Christ.
SO, as a Christian, I understand the inequitable treatment but as an American living with a Constitution that makes such inquity illegal - I find it intolerable that people practice it so brazenly and aren't punished for doing so. It makes me ashamed of our country - that we have fallen SO far from our founding ideals. I would eagerly vote for and help elect someone who I thought could and would honestly restore such ideals. Without a serious return to our founding principles, I don't know how much longer America will remain America.
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