Weekends Just Not Keeping Up

One of the ways many of us cope with the tediousness of life and work is to look forward to the weekends. We count on them to inject some badly needed joy into our lives - usually through some kind of recreation or meaningful relaxation. We've all heard the phrase, "Living for the weekend," before, I suppose.
Well, the weekends are just not doing their job lately! They aren't keeping up their end of the bargain in our house. I deal with a class full of kids who do NOT want to do anything I NEED them to be doing (they would rather play or daydream or TALK - I suppose I wasn't any different) all week long. Then you go home and run kids all over town and try to get them to do things they do NOT want to do and that I NEED them to do. That ends when they FINALLY go to sleep around 10 p.m. (they've been in bed since 9). And you get up each day and it starts all over again. But the weekend cometh!
Only our weekends are full of minor sicknesses and rainy weather. So we can't go anywhere and can't send the healthy ones outdoors. Oh, the noise! It wearies your soul and strains your patience and sanity and it never EVER stops! Before you know it the weekend is over and you have nothing to show for it and you are back to work on Monday. Waiting for the weekend that never seems to come.
It's been like that for many weeks now it seems. I hate rain!
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