That's the way I see it

My take on some of the issues of life and my experiences - the way I see it. Warning! While always wanting to be polite - I am not concerned about being PC.

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Location: Woodland, CA, United States

I am a bit of a rennaissance man with interests varying from the ancient to the futuristic. I prefer to live in the world of ideas and ideals and love to sit around w/ friends and a mug of strong coffee and discuss things that I find interesting.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Done with Statism

I am done w/ Statism! 
Our republic was founded on the principle of LIMITED government (plus a few more like liberty, the rule of law, see the Declaration and Constitution's preambles).  We have traded that critical principle for a mess of pottage - hoping the government can fix all of our problems for us.  Well, the witness of history and current events massively testifies to the ludicrous amounts of money that big government wastes to accomplish little or no good results.  This progressive experiment has failed.  It is time to return to the common sense that helped create this amazing nation.  As has been said before, "Government is NOT the solution, it is the PROBLEM."  Just think of what could be accomplished if much of those wasted hundreds of BILLIONS of dollars were back in the hands of the most generous people on the planet.
The Republicrats and Demogogs are life long players in this statist swindle.  You could almost say they invented it!  But if we don't start voting for people who REALLY demand limited government, if we don't start repealing laws that rob us of liberty and insisting in laws that protect them, our great nation is going to swirl around the same drain hole that grips much of Europe. Because that's what statism does!  As Margaret Thatcher once quipped, "The problem with socialism (a type of statism) is that eventually you run out of other people's money."  Well said my dear.  Wish you and Ronald were still around to help these ideas stay in the public discourse.


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