Stuck Again!

Well, the plague is pretty much subsided in our household - a mere 48 hours after it began. Hooray! As I was reading my emails this morning, J2 decides to put his elbow inbetween the tines of a dining room chair and is stuck fast! Now this is the same kid that 5+ years ago used to get his head stuck in all sorts of things; a bucket, the railing of a staircase, the anchor porthole of a sternwheeler - all sorts of stuff. It was a regular occurance in those days. I had thought those days were long gone - wrong! LOL
Anyway, I was able to get his elbow out w/ no bruising and I didn't even have to use any butter or break the chair! LOL I guess some things never change!
lol - don't forget that J3 ran to get the butter all on his own. That was pretty funny! Thank goodness one of us noticed what was going on!
Glad things got sorted in the end!
God bless
Maria in the UK
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