That's the way I see it

My take on some of the issues of life and my experiences - the way I see it. Warning! While always wanting to be polite - I am not concerned about being PC.

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Location: Woodland, CA, United States

I am a bit of a rennaissance man with interests varying from the ancient to the futuristic. I prefer to live in the world of ideas and ideals and love to sit around w/ friends and a mug of strong coffee and discuss things that I find interesting.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Questions Tree-huggers will never answer...

From Ker-plunk's excellent Blog, "10 Questions For Climate Fascists".
1. When did the debate end?
2. How is the science settled?
3. How do you explain this? (see picture at link)
4. What the heck has happened to the Hockey stick?
5. Why believe climate models?
6. Why is symbolism more important than effectiveness?
7. Why the IPCC censorship?
8. Why are all the predictions of only doom and gloom?
9. What caused the Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age?
10. Why the hooey about sinking islands?

Censorship, refusal to debate, straw man attacks, all tell tale signs of arrogant, small minds who believe a little too much in their own press (legends in their own mind sort of thing).

Where are the men and women of science that aren't so quick to close their minds or rush to judgment? Apparently, everything really is all about politics and political agendas - even so called pure science is nothing of the sort anymore.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

First, thanks for stopping by my blog! :o) Second, I agree with the post. I have been wondering where the science in all of this is and how they can be so positive and specific about something that no human could possibly know? That in itself is "unscientific"!While I believe in good stewardship of all that God has given us, I find some of the political scare tactics a tad melodramatic! Even scarier is when politicians start winning Academy Awards! (LOL)

7:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Theresa! I don't get upset with what they are saying - it sure seems like things are hotter each year somehow - but I CAN remember in the 70s when it was colder (its why we moved to CA) and they were saying that "the data" and weather models seemed to point to a coming mini-ice age.
They were wrong. Oops - meteorology is a tricky science I can concede.
But when they stifle inquiries and scoffers with scorn and righteous indignation - that makes me VERY suspicious. Because it ALMOST ALWAYS points to an underlying agenda - some world view belief that they are committed to BEFORE they do their science. Evolutionsists do this all the time - even to their own fellow evolutionist colleagues who pick on something that is sticking out and doesn't sit quite right to thinking folks.
Sounds desperate to me!

12:21 PM  

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