How 2 Faced Can You Be?

The whole immigration crisis is so fraught with amazingly ridiculous developments! You would laugh if there wasn't so much at stake. Anyway, came across several articles telling us how much the current and former president of Mexico are in favor of open borders and amnesty. Well, you would expect that they would favor immigration and open borders since illegal and legal immigrants are a HUGE source of funds for the Mexican economy (which tells you something about how corrupt and porrly managed that country is). But they have NO reason to look after OUR best interests only their own.
But get this! They don't practice what they preach AT ALL! Reporter George Putnam in a November 1, 2007 article quickly reviews what Mexican law says about immigration into Mexico. Here it is...
Article 33 of the Mexican Constitution that specifically authorizes immediate expulsion of any foreigner whose presence the Mexican government deems objectionable.
Foreigners may be barred from the country if their presence upsets “the equilibrium of the national demographics.” When foreigners are deemed detrimental to economic or national interests, when they have broken Mexican laws, they are jailed or deported.
Under Mexican law, illegal immigration is a felony. Mexicans who help illegals enter the country are themselves considered criminals. A Mexican who marries a foreigner with the sole objective of helping the foreigner live in the country is subject to five years in prison. And no foreigner may engage in political affairs, in any manner.
If a foreigner wishes to reside in Mexico, he or she must have a guaranteed job or be financially independent, and must prove an income from abroad consisting of pensions or investments four hundred times the minimum wage in Mexico City (monthly). This amount represents approximately $1,500 in U.S. dollars per month.
Mexico welcomes only foreigners who are “useful to Mexican society.”
Wow! That is a pretty protective and stingy approach to immigration. Frankly, it makes a lot of sense and the US should seriously consider taking a similar stance on immigration. But knowing that many countries take a similar stance (Mexico's laws are not overly unique) makes it seem all the more bizarre when you want to put ANY restrictions on immigration (especially the illegal variety) and people call you a mean, stingy, heartless so and so. I wonder if they realize that most countries on the earth have laws that are even stricter than the ones being proposed by those wanting to do something to protect our borders and culture.