Gorram crazy drivers!

OK - advanced warning - this is a grumpy rant. But what the heck is wrong with so many drivers in CA? Have most of them taken stupid pills or are they just mental midgets? I don't mean they can't guide their cars down the road more or less in a straight line - but they can't drive in a crowd w/out A) breaking lots of traffic laws they couldn't care less about, and B) nearly causing death or mayhem every 60 seconds or so.
I guess that's what happens when you have millions of self-absorbed people on the road at the same time. When the universe revolves around you and you alone - it's hard to drive in a safe and cooperative manner w/ the other self-absorbed weenies next to you. SO, no one EVER uses their turning signals (that would be helpful after all), they back out of driveways or parking spaces at 20 mph w/out looking in a mirror or looking behind them, they either drive 90 in the slow lane or 55 in the passing lane. And MERGE onto the freeway - FORGET IT! That takes cooperative skills most Californians just don't seem to possess. Thankfully, there are a few paranoid and responsible drivers like me on the road that refrain from plowing into the arrogant idiots. They certainly deserve either lots of tickets or an accident. But I just can't bring myself to plow into someone even though they have done everything they could do to make that happen. I suppose that is still a good thing - though it almost qualifies as "enabling" if you look at it long term. So, what's a decent driver to do? I suppose either get a big Hummer and plow over the jerks when they cut in front of you OR, move to the midwest where people actually have some common sense and feel free to use it when they drive.
SO, though California is a great place to live climate-wise, I sure wish alot of the folk here would "get a horse!"