Don't Blame Polarization on Fox News

In Ann Coulter's article of 6/30/2010 titled, "Kagan Hearings Surpass World Cup For Most Boring TV Event" Ann highlights an extremely dangerous reality. But what makes me feel very sad and afraid for my country is that at least a third of the country doesn't see the problem. She said:
"On MSNBC's "Hardball" back in May, Sen. (Amy) Klobuchar said: "We want to get some things done on this court."
Get some things done?... The Supreme Court is not supposed to be "getting things done." ...Klobuchar's statements reveal a massive misunderstanding of the role of the court.
Congress, as the people's elected representatives, is supposed to "get things done." If they don't, that usually means the people don't want those things done. It's not the court's job to say: "Hey, Congress, you forgot to enact this! Don't worry, we'll take care of it."
But liberals see the Supreme Court as their backup legislature, giving them all the laws Democrats can't pass themselves because they'd be voted out of office if they did.
Can't get Americans to approve of abortion? Get the Supreme Court to do it! Can't get Americans to ban the death penalty? Get the Supreme Court to do it! Can't get Americans to release criminals? Get the Supreme Court to do it!"
Our nation is divided between a highly influential, well funded, and well placed social progressive, liberal, minority (not quite 1/3 of the country) and everybody else. The progressive's views on the role of government, individual liberties, capitalism, socialism, and big government are SO opposite of everyone else it is truly a wonder how they ever see any of their goals realized. But they have more money than God and they don't play fair. They divide our nation and then blame Fox News for polarizing the people when they start screaming about the Emperor's New Clothes. They ignore the will of the people and use the courts to ram their agenda down everybody's throats. And they think we shouldn't get upset about this!
Don't blame Fox News - blame your own extreme views. You call evil "good" and good "evil." And you tell us we're the wierdos when we try to correct your bent thinking or won't go along with your dangerous tinkerings. You tell us WE are the divisive ones because we don't agree with your insanity. I DARE any American to read the actual writings of the first modern generation of social progressives (Wilson era). You will be horrified at what they are planning for your country.