Here are some things I really want to know more about - as in I REALLY want to talk these issues over and get some REAL information as well as some book-learning etc.
1. Autism, FASD and neurological impairments/delays in general (ADHD too). Does it make a difference what causes them because they all seem to manifest themselves in the same kind of handicaps and difficulties? Will their cause effect the treatment?
2. Why are the Autism, ADHD, and Reading Comprehension difficulty rates soaring thru the roof? Someone recently wrote that 1 in 6 students shows some kind of neurological delay. What the heck! Why is this on such a rapid increase?? Is anybody actually TRYING to figure out what is causing it?
3. Economics - who is right - Keynes or Laffer - raising taxes or cutting taxes? You hear the yellow bellied schills barking the mantras but that don't make it so. You never hear a genuine in depth discussion where points are challenged and allowed to be fully answered and PROOF not rhetoric and class warfare is employed.
4. If weight loss is really the magic bullet for most Type 2 diabetes control - why the hell aren't doctors more aggressive about making sure their patients lose weight - instead they just occasionally tell you to lose weight and keep pushing the temporary solution medications that eventually quit working and burn out your body resulting in death.
5. OK - SOMETHING VERY DIFFERENT - I want to know more about the ancient Celts and how they migrated to Ireland, Scotland, England and southern Europe (Asia too I guess). Where did they originate? What are their cultural distinctives? Etc.
6. What truly is the accepted, widely agreed upon definition of the "American Dream?" Has it been hijacked by rank materialism in the 20th century? Is it anathema (as some say) to true spirituality? What is living in Christian community really supposed to look like? Can we do it w/out pulling out of our regular society & culture?
7. How do we deal with the differing ideas and approaches to Christian spirituality - are they to be expected or a sign of error? In other words, are they God's way of protecting the Gospel from system-wide heresy (like the Catholic church of the Middle Ages) or a sign that the enemy of our souls is sowing tares among the wheat - which begs the question - who is wheat and who is a tare? (ouch - fodder for denominational wars)
WELL, those are some the things bouncing around in my head from time to time that I would love to interact with others about - but can never find any takers. Anyone?