That's the way I see it

My take on some of the issues of life and my experiences - the way I see it. Warning! While always wanting to be polite - I am not concerned about being PC.

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Location: Woodland, CA, United States

I am a bit of a rennaissance man with interests varying from the ancient to the futuristic. I prefer to live in the world of ideas and ideals and love to sit around w/ friends and a mug of strong coffee and discuss things that I find interesting.

Monday, July 27, 2009

A Summer of Highs and Lows...

It's been a summer of extremes and not just with the weather (though it has been the coolest summer I have seen in a long time - take THAT AlGore). Most of the remodeling work was done during Spring break so other than some lingering honey-do's not much serious work to be done around the house. O.K., that's nice. We also took a week long vacation during Spring break (my break lasts 3+ weeks) so we didn't have any plans for the summer since we blew our vacation allowance already. No problem.
So, other than 2 trips to L.A. in the same week to transport our scouts to summer camp, we have been home bodies this summer. The days have gone by rather slowly. Long, late mornings, staying up late at night - that kind of thing. It has been cool to get to know my little daughter better. Sissy is a crack up! And she is so cute - a real flirt. I've also had the chance to spend more time with the boys and help our oldest deal with some of the emotional issues that wreak such destruction in his life. Thank you Lord for the time to do that! I even taught an Astronomy class in my home for several home school families on Friday nights.
So it's been a full summer, even if it hasn't been flashy and glitzy. Wish I had spent more time at the gym for sure. But alas, only 2 more weeks of it left! Think I'll take the kids to the movies this week and maybe the zoo next week. Amy likes it when all the kids are gone - she can get some serious work done! I am looking forward to school starting back up - a whole new class to get to know. That's always exciting.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Some Serious Dialogue Needed about Youth Ministry?

As a former youth pastor and current parent of 4 (2 teens), I have appreciated being able to see this subject from both sides of the pew so-to-speak. Vision Forum, in a recent article promoting a resource for christian families had something to say that, I think, needs to be further discussed w/ pastors, youth pastors, church leaders and parents across America. Maybe you will too...

"One of the hallmarks of American culture in the late twentieth century was the revival of the cult of youth. With its roots in Greco-Roman paganism, the worship of youth and the rise of a distinctively family-fragmenting vision of teenage life has dominated our media, our entertainment, our schools, and the very fabric of modern life... Frustrated with the absence of real parental involvement in the lives of the next generation, and desperately hoping to reach young people... the modern Church in America has drunk deeply from the youth culture phenomenon. This is most obvious in church youth groups, youth-driven worship programs, and even Sunday Schools. Now, after more than a half-century trend, the results are in, and they are not good — our youth are defecting en masse from biblical Christianity.

This trend has long been recognized by researchers — the fact that 61% of youth abandon the church during their 20s — but a common assumption has been that young people lose their faith due to their college experience. Thanks to penetrating new research spearheaded by Ken Ham and Britt Beemer, a startling conclusion has emerged: Youth who regularly attended the most conservative, Bible-believing churches in America during their teen years were, in their hearts, already gone. To quote Ham and Beemer: “They were lost while still in the fold.

Ham and Beemer have also uncovered hard evidence to support this surprising conclusion: that “Sunday School is actually more likely to be detrimental to the spiritual and moral health of our children.” Those who faithfully attend Sunday School are more likely to leave the church than those who do not — and to doubt the Bible’s reliability.

The evidence is in: The Church’s current model for reaching young people through youth groups and Sunday Schools is a failure. These programs are not only, on the whole, falling short of their aims, but they are actually contributing to the epidemic departure from biblical principles on the part of young people, as well as the massive defection from the Church of Jesus Christ. In short, the Church has proven to be its own worst enemy."

In other words, the majority of kids in our youth ministries are likely living double lives until they can get away with dumping their christian "personna" when they leave home. GULP! While some may reject the entire article as going too far, let me add my own observations. On the whole, my 15+ years of working with young people largely confirms what Ham and Beemer are saying. This short Vision Form article doesn't go into the possible causes of this failure (you're supposed to by the book I guess :o), but I have some thoughts about that - especially as a parent of 2 teens now. I think the reasons for our failures to reach our youth are:

1. We don't walk our talk as much as we should. I know I don't always do so - and it tends to invalidate what we teach big time. It's hard keeping your guard up all the time. But rather than "keeping our guard up" perhaps we need to be more seriously pursuing inner transformation so that our piety isn't a facade, it's the real deal. When young people are around transformed christians, it DOES make an impact on young people. As a parent of 4, I find it ridiculously difficult to pursue spiritual things. The din alone is enough to make it hard to spend time with God. Practicing the Presence of God is NOT for sissies :o) But I think it is an all important first step that Amy and I are pursuing with all our might (prayer needed!).

2. We don't "disciple" our youth, we entertain them and stuff them with trivia and facts that never make it down into their hearts. This, I think, is where we finally "lose them." Jesus' method of training HIS disciples was to disciple them for 3+ years. He didn't just teach them, he spent TONS of time with them so that they could see him model the spiritual transformation that He was trying to teach them to pursue. And it worked! But we just send them to Sunday School or Youth Group and expect the classroom setting to disciple them. But that's NOT how it works. It will NEVER work that way. Perhaps we should ask our youth workers to be spending time with kids as a discipler more than as a group entertainer with a little spiritual message thrown in. I realize that reaching non-churched kids may require more fluff. But once they are part of the community, they need to be discipled just as much as adults do.

What do you think? It's radical sounding I know - but John the Baptist, Jesus and the Apostles all sounded pretty radical in their day too. Sounding radical may not be a sure sign you are on the right path, but it shouldn't be a sure sign you must be wrong either. Hmmmm..... :o)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I Love My Wife!

I know I don't say it enough but I gotta tell you, I really love my wife. I would be SO lost without her in my life. And not just because she does my laundry and helps me find stuff I misplace (often right in front of me), but because I would be so lonely I don't think I could stand it. Here's why.
After a few years of dating, when I was finishing college, I chose to stop dating and just concentrate on the business of growing spiritually and being of service to others. It's not that I didn't notice women, I just stopped trying to pursue them as my sole reason for living - like most guys do at that age I think. Anyway, after doing that a couple of years and enjoying life very much, I began to feel lonely. God met all my needs, so I wasn't pining away, and I had friends too. But, somehow I just felt something was missing and I felt alone in this world. And I knew I didn't like that.
SO, I prayed and kept doing all the things I normally did and waited. And in God's perfect timing, he brought my wife into my life. We fell in love very quickly and within three months I proposed. And I have been thrilled with her companionship every day since. Sometimes a guy longs to have a buddy to smoke cigars with and grump about politics or CA drivers, but those friendships are just a few drops of ale in the tankard. A godly wife, however, is an never emptied cup of joy... a constant companion and loving partner for life. Oh my goodness, it doesn't get any better!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Jefferson's Genius & Wit just Keeps on Giving!

Thomas Jefferson once said,
“The two enemies of the people are criminals and government,
so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution
so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.”

Gee, I wonder if he would agree with Judge Sotomayor and her ilk who declare the Constitution to be a living document that must change as the needs of society demand? I think, no I know, his answer would be, "By all that is holy in heaven above NO!" Fascinating isn't it! How, as a political philosopher, Jefferson disliked and intensely mistrusted politicians. The more things change the more they stay the same, eh?

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Mid-summer Morning Musings

It's a beautiful mid-summer morning here in sunny NCal. A cool breeze blows through the windows as the golden sun climbs into the sky. At such times, it is easy to be thankful to God for all His good gifts. Such times even allow for a little time to speculate about deeper things.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

Happy Birthday America!

Our unique nation is 233 years old today. The biblically inspired genius of the Founding Fathers is truly astounding. They fully understood the true nature of men (inaliendable human rights endowed by our Creator Himself and the universally corrupting influence of power) and the true nature of government (that it's role is to protect the rights of the individual and to serve the people it governs, and that by logical inference should be minimal and severely limited in scope and powers).
Let us all be sure to stand up from today onward and demand that our nation return to it's founding principals. Because quite frankly, our federal government is anything BUT limited in scope and powers. Seeking (or pretending?) to do good for all, they have become a massively bloated bureacracy that has it's fingers everywhere, spreading corruption, inefficiency, and ineptitude on everything it touches let alone depriving its citizens of their rights at every turn - all for the common good (supposedly). That a generation or two are blinded to this deadly development makes the potential slide into tyranny even more likely. Please, demand limited government at every turn and of every elected official. Don't settle for anything less!